Qigbulak Fm
Type Locality and Naming
Aksu-Kalpin region. The Qigbulak Fm was named by Zhang Tairong et al. in 1976 and formally quoted by Gao Zhenjia in 1977. The typical section is situated in Qigbulak southeast of Wushi County and the reference section is in the north slope of Fangkuai Mt. (6 km southeast of Yourmeinak) in Wushi County, Xinjiang Weiwuerzhu Zizhiqu (Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region). The Qigbulak Formation is the uppermost lithologic unit of the Wushinanshan Gr. Highest formation of the Wushinanshan Gr.
Synonym: (奇格布拉可组), Qigebulake Fm, Chigebrak Fm; Little Tirek Fm; Xiaotielieke Fm (小铁列克组)
Lithology and Thickness
The Qigbulak Fm is dominated by light gray to gray massive laminar dolomite (sometimes with oblique bedded or cross-bedded), locally intercalated with siltstone, near top with vuggy dolomite. The lower part is generally composed of thin-bedded or thin- to medium-bedded algal dolomite, catagraphic dolomite, stromatolitic dolomite and oncolite or stratifera dolomite intercalated with minor calcareous sandstone, siltstone and feldspathic sandstone. Thickness is 141 to 186 m
Relationships and Distribution
Lower contact
The base rests conformably on the underlying Sugaitbulak Fm (Sugetbulak Fm), generally bounded by a bed of carbonate rock.
Upper contact
The upper part composed of vuggy dolomite terminating in a weak erosion surface is disconformably overlain by the Early Cambrian Yurtus Fm (Uurtus Fm)
Regional extent
Aksu-Kalpin region. With a persistent lithology and thickness, the Qigbulak Fm is distributed northwest of Aksu City, east of Kalpin, south and east of Wushi County (especially in Qigbulak, Yourmeinak, Sugaitbulak and Xiaorbulak).
The Qigbulak Fm yields abundant stromatolites, microplants and minor trace fossils, of which stromatolites include Cryptoxoon f., Jurusania f., Paniscollenia cf. emergens, P. vaigaris, Conophyton f., Collenia cf. calix, Colonnella f., Linella f., L. wushiensis, Nuelella f., N. cf. figurata, Tungussia f. etc. Oncolites are dominated by Osagia tongchuanensis, O. gussia, O. Xinjiang and Radiosus f. Catagraphia include Vermiculites irregularis. Stratifera is dominated by Stratifera f., S. undosa, Gongylina f. etc. Microplants include Trachysphaeridium cultum, T. hyalinum, T. simplex, Pseudozonosphaera asperella, P. nucleolata, Monotrematosphaeridium sp., Pseudodiacrodium verticale, Fuchunsgania sp. and Polyedryxu/ium sp. Trace fossil represented by Chondrites von. sternbeng.
Depositional setting
Additional Information